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María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez
University of Burgos
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022), Special Issue, pages 88-113
Submitted: Oct 9, 2020 Accepted: May 23, 2021 Published: Jul 20, 2022
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Nowadays, YouTube is the primary space of media consumption among young people, generating a culture of participation that has modified codes of representation and social relations. Moreover, it is a space that gives a platform to those dedicated to overcoming of patriarchal, heteronormative and colonial references. In the heat of the boost in visibility that feminism received with the #MeToo phenomenon, women that use YouTube to champion feminist theory, to claim the rights of women, to denounce sexist violence or to explain gender discrimination begin to stand out. This text studies a sample of these YouTubers. The objective of this analysis is to approach their proposals within the paradigm of feminist epistemology. This is attempted by means of a close reading, studying the messages they transmit and the most significant variables with which they elaborate on a discourse that I define as ‘ego-feminism’.


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