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Miguel Pino García
Sin Filiación
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022), Research Notes, pages 213-233
Submitted: Jun 14, 2017 Accepted: Dec 14, 2020 Published: Jul 20, 2022
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The present work aims to make a preliminary exploration of the spatial referent in the autobiographical discourse of several subjects from the Honduran rural, within the case of a development cooperation project that entails a change in the type of water supply, made a year before the study, from a perspective of genre. In various experiences in development cooperation, the change in water supply has led to more social restructurings than expected, which have particularly affected the female universe in the domestic space. The present study analyzes the discourse of two subjects, a man and a woman, to explore if this change in the water supply reveals aspects of interest in the social construction of spaces, with the interest that this entails for the projects of Human Right to Water.


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