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Helen Schwenken
University of Osnabrück, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Osnabrück, Germany
Claire Hobden
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020), Special Issue, pages 59-89
Submitted: Jan 7, 2019 Accepted: Feb 1, 2021 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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Domestic workers face challenges for organizing, e.g. decentralization of the workforce, nature of the employment relationship. This article analyses, based on a multiple country-comparison, how domestic workers organize despite constrictions. We identify three forms of organizing: the trade union model and the association model (Shireen Ally). We propose, though, an additional third model, the ‘hybrid type’: domestic workers organize ‘amongst themselves’ in associations and at the same time these associations are linked to or integrated into trade unions, which provides representation, services and contact with other workers. Related to this finding, we see a trend of an ‘emerging trade unionism’. Which means that we tend to find more trade union-related forms of organizing than a decade ago. One explanatory factor is the “governance struggle” of winning the International Labour Organization’s Convention “Decent Work for Domestic Workers” in 2011, which led to an increased collaboration and trust-building between organized domestic workers and trade unions.


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