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S. García Dauder
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019), Special Issue, pages 117-150
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Jul 2, 2019 Published: Sep 7, 2020
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The article begins by analyzing the situation of women in psychology (as subjects and objects of knowledge); to later address how feminism, as a critical theory and social movement, has transformed psychology. First, it describes how the pioneering psychologists used their scientific knowledge to dismantle myths about the inferiority of women and the effects of education on their health. Second, it analyzes how the feminisms of the 70s denounced androcentrism in mental health and created the groups of self-consciousness as collective forms of politicizing discomforts with therapeutic effects. Finally, how feminist psychologists have criticized the essentialization of sex and gender differences and dualisms and the pathologization of diversity. The article ends with a reflection on the relations between feminism and psychology today.


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