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Luisa Posada Kubissa
University Complutense of Madrid
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019), Free theme articles, pages 218-239
Submitted: May 23, 2018 Accepted: Jul 10, 2020 Published: Sep 7, 2020
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This work aims to rescue a contemporary thinker not enough recognised today, as was Sarah Kofman, and in particular to focus on the relevance of her critical adjustments with the Freudian discourse on femininity. From an undeniable intellectual affinity with the father of psychoanalysis, this thinker analyzes the failures of his speech when it comes to conceptualizing femininity, which the disciple understands and revises in Freud not only as insufficient, but as an expression of a patriarchal subtext already present in philosophers as well-known as Rousseau or Kant himself. From here, it will be discussed if these positions of Kofman can be read or not in the key of a critical-feminist discourse.


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