In men’s hands: pornography, trafficking, prostitution


  • Peter Szil



This article will deal with the determining and yet systematically invisibilizedfactor of prostitution andtrafficking ofpersonsfor sexual servitude: male demand. It will study the role played in it by an omnipresent pornographic culture with a strong misogynistic charge that not only promotes this demand and determines its practices, but also has kidnapped the way of conceptualizing sexuality for the whole of society, instituting in the relationships inequality rather than mutual satisfaction. The article is based on the premise that persons who solicit prostitutes must be visibilized and held accountable in order to stop prostitution (and thus prevent trafficking). To problematize the role of men in prostitution is, in turn, essential to involve men in a work which is both personal and based on collective responsibility, capable of challenging the concepts that support prostitution and, in its extension, sexualized domination as the essence of patriarchy.


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How to Cite

Szil, P. (2018). In men’s hands: pornography, trafficking, prostitution. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 3(1), 113–135.



Special Issue