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  • Carmen Castro García
Carmen Castro García
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016), Special Issue, pages 108-140
Submitted: Oct 4, 2016 Accepted: Oct 7, 2016 Published: Oct 20, 2016
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This article tackles some appearances on how the 'social norms or expectations' built from the rooting in the sexual differentiation can be encouraged or diluted according what is the orientation of the public policies, that is the importance to consider the potentiality gender-transformative of the public policy, it does mean taking in account the gender impact that it will have on the 'social norm' based in the sexual division of the labor.


The article collects a feminist approach to the comparative analysis of the (maternity, paternity and parental) leaves system in 27 European countries, like a piece of public policies to promote equity by uses of time between women and men, and implications of the attention and the care after the birth of a baby. Evidences found show that not all the parental leave policy have potentiality enough to influence in the sexual division of the labor in the same direction; there are combinations of normative elements of the parental leave systems that promote changes the gender roles and there are other combinations based on the gender social norms, being able to reinforce them even more. 


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