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Alfonso Rascón Caballero
Vilnius University
Vol. 28 (2022), Articles, pages 183-206
Submitted: Dec 19, 2021 Published: Feb 13, 2023
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The dictionary example is an entry component lexicographers strive to choose or create adequately. In this research the theoretical status of the monolingual and bilingual dictionary example is determined in the framework of the Wiegand’s and related authors’ metalexicography, considering the contributions of a wide range of authors that have dealt with the dictionary example as well. Starting from such terms as address, item, lexicographic treatment unit, non-lemmatic address and others, the example as lexicographic category is established, definitions of dictionary example provided by authors are collected, and finally, a more comprehensive definition is proposed taking into account not only factors that formally characterize the example (typography, syntactic range, position), but also other criteria (content, functions, types). Attention is also paid to the particularity of the example of a bilingual dictionary.


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