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David Isaac Río Entonado
University of Coruna
Vol. 18 (2012), Articles, pages 159-170
Submitted: Aug 3, 2018 Accepted: Aug 3, 2018 Published: Dec 4, 2018
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From the symbology holding the concepts of left and right, the article intends to explain the negative concept that everything referring to the meaning ʻleftʼ has had in the Spanish language throughout the latest centuries. For this aim it analises several terms and expressions linked to the meaning thus contrasting different uses found in the corpus with the view provided by several dictionaries (from the dictionary of Autoridades to different dictionaries of present day Spanish) of each of these terms. All this makes clear the strong interdiction that affects the word left in contrast with the positive meaning offered by the word right.


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DUE: vid. María Moliner (2007).

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