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Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera
University of Valladolid
Sven Tarp
Centre for Lexicography. University of Aarhus
Vol. 14 (2008), Articles, pages 75-95
Submitted: Aug 13, 2018 Accepted: Aug 13, 2018 Published: Dec 7, 2018
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This paper reviews the main tenets of the function theory of lexicography. In broad terms, this theory defends that dictionaries are utility tools compiled to answer to specific needs of specific users in specific situations. Within this framework it is of the utmost importance not only understanding users’ needs in terms of communicative and cognitive situations but also paying attention to access routes. Our analysis of some cognitive and communicative dictionaries in the field of Business/Economics has shown that most of them are mostly built either without a sound theoretical framework or with a very partial one. It is our contention that the tenets of the function theory could be used by all those scholars who aim at offering not only better lexicographical products but also more adequate for meeting the demands imposed by the advent of the information and knowledge society.


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