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Enrique Fernández Fernández
Law Degree (University of A Coruna)
Vol. 21 (2017), Doutrina, Páxinas 66-108
Recibido: xan. 15, 2018 Aceptado: xan. 15, 2018 Publicado: xan. 18, 2018


This paper is an introduction to the U.S. class action lawsuits under the Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Class actions lawsuits have been an integral part of the U.S. judicial system for many decades. This paper outlines both the benefits of this remedy and the main criticisms of it. It pays special attention to pre-default, contractual mandatory arbitration clauses and the validity of class action waivers. All this is viewed from a practical perspective based on real cases that illustrate the actual trends of the American Courts of Justice. Finally, it includes a brief analysis of the Spanish class actions to provide the reader with a general overview of this procedural device both under US and EU law perspective.


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th Annual National Institute on Class Actions presented by the American Bar Association, Section of Litigation and Center for Professional Development (2014).

A practitioner’s guide to class actions, Marcy Hogan Greer, American Bar Association, 2010.

All alone in arbitration: AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion and the substantive impact of class action waivers, Blechschmidt F., University of Pennsylvania Law Review.

An Introduction to Class Action Procedure in the United States, Janet Cooper Alexander, Presented Conference: Debates over Group Litigation in Comparative Perspective, Geneva, Switzerland, July 21-22, 2000.

Class Actions and Other Multi-Party Litigations on a Nutshell, 4th ed., Prof. Robert Klonoff (West Nutshell Series, October 3, 2012)

Class Actions Under Rule 23 and Collective Actions Under the Fair Labor Standards Act: Preventing the Conflation of Two Distinct Tools to Enforce the Wage Laws, William C. Jhaveri-Weeks & Austin Webbert , Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy Volume XXIII, Number 2,Winter 2016, available at

Class Actions: Overview, Practical Law Practice Note Overview 2-529-7368 (2016).

Class/collective actions in Spain: overview by Antonio Morales, Rosa Espín and Jaime Zarzalejos, Latham & Watkins, 2015.

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Jury certification of federal securities fraud class actions, Thomas Kayes, Northwestern University Law Review Vol. 107, No. 4.

La Directiva de daños y su transposición en España, Helmut Brokelmann, Revista General de Derecho Europeo 37 (2015).

Las acciones de clase (“class action”) en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, A. Ferreres Comella, Actualidad Jurídica Uría y Menéndez, 11-2005.

Las acciones de clase en el derecho español, J.J. Martín López, InDret, 2001.

Manual for complex litigation, fourth. Federal Judicial Center (2004).

Available at

McLaughlin on Class Actions, treatise available in Westlaw.

Newberg on Class Actions, treatise available in Westlaw.

Rules Advisory Committee's Note to Amended Rule 23, 39 F.R.D. 69, 100 (1966).

Securities Regulations: cases and materials, James D. Cox, Robert W. Hillman & Donald C. Langevoort, 7th edition, Wolters Kluwer.

Spain in World Class Actions: A Guide to Group and Representative Actions around the Globe, Malaga Francisco, Edited by Paul G. Karlsgodt, Oxford University Press.

The Case for Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreements 12 (2004), National Arbitration Forum, available at tudies.pdf.

The Decline of Class Actions, Robert H. Klonoff, Washington University Law Review, Volume 90, 2013.