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  • Jaime Pensado Sande
Jaime Pensado Sande
Vol. 27 (2023), Scholar Studies, pages 60-78
Submitted: Jun 28, 2023 Accepted: Nov 20, 2023 Published: Nov 22, 2023
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In this article, the aim is to present the legal framework of geographical indications in the United States in order to highlight its differences with the current European system. To do so, we start with the international regulations in which both systems are involved: the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which serves as the key to the coexistence of the two systems—the sui generis system advocated by the European Union and the trademark system defended by the United States of America. The differences between the two are numerous, and far from bridging the gap, it seems that the tendency is far from being directed towards reaching an agreement, which undoubtedly would result in benefits for consumers on both sides of the Atlantic.


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