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Christian Yair Aldrete Acuña
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Vol. 24 (2020), Articles, pages 1-38
Submitted: Jan 26, 2021 Published: Feb 4, 2021
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The paper that is presented addresses a peculiar way of understanding the concept of the Constitution, which is based on its political configuration as a unit of the sovereign people. Likewise, a study of the Constituent Power is carried out precisely as an expression of the will of that political unit, whose work is the constitutional decision of unity and organization of the life of the State. It is necessary to anticipate that the proposed study follows a marked trend towards the thought of Carl Schmitt and Hermann Heller. In structural priority, that of the first mentioned. Through the use of the constructivist and comparative methods, the ideas that identify the Constitution and the Constituent Power are embodied, as political decisions that a society has adopted to establish the form and mode of its own political existence through the construction of a Constitutional and Democratic State of Law.


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