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Ricardo Pedro Ron Latas
Lecturer at University of A Coruña. Substitute magistrate in the High Court of Justice of Galicia
José Fernando Lousada Arochena
Specialist magistrate in the Social Court of Justice of Galicia. Assistant lecturer at the University of A Coruña
Vol. 23 (2019), Doctrine, pages 411-428
Submitted: Feb 26, 2020 Published: Feb 26, 2020
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Under the provisions of the arts. 117 and 122 of the Spanish Constitution, the legal protection of judges or magistrates who are considered concerned or disturbed in their independence should be an obligatory competence of the General Council of the Judiciary. This work analyzes in detail the legal and operational scope of the organ in charge of it. In addition, different proposals for action and a critical analysis of the current state of the matter are made.


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