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Antonio Maniatis
Professor at the University of Castilla - La Mancha. OPAM Member - Correspondent for Greece's environmental policy
Aretí Ntavrí
Vasilikí Tsipouriari
Vol. 23 (2019), Doctrine, pages 195-206
Submitted: Feb 26, 2020 Published: Feb 26, 2020
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Greece entered for the first time in 2010 the list of States occupying the first position or the second one, in the period 2007-2018, as long as the transgression of European environmental law is concerned. This period is marked by the continuous presence of Spain, either in the second position or, mainly, in the first one. Greece is the “paradise” of plastic bags, constituting one of the European Union States with major index per capita as for the consumption of one-use plastic bags but it recently has managed to diminish the number of light plastic bags through an environmental tax. Besides, it has coped with various problems in its policy for the right to Containing Climate Change whilst Spain is a more advanced country, as for the adoption and implementation of relevant measures.


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