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Griselda Anguiano Espinosa
PhD candidate f the Doctoral Program in Ibero-American Administrative Law of the University of La Coruña
Vol. 23 (2019), Doctrine, pages 1-26
Submitted: Feb 26, 2020 Published: Feb 26, 2020
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The recent amendment to article 22 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States brought new perspectives in the institution of the extinction of dominion in Mexico in terms of its nature, origin, exercise, application, rights and guarantees, as well as the control and administration of assets, all aimed at paying public security, limiting the financial capacity of criminal groups, as well as the strengthening of said institution legally;  In a first analysis, the meaning and scope of the Reformation originates certain reflections that are likely to dissipate with the forthcoming publication of the National Law on domain extinction, which repeals the Federal Law and the state laws on the matter; prior to this event, some considerations about the reformed figure emerge, which at the naked eye elucidate certain nuances that disorient the meaning of the reform and that seem dissociated with the current legal framework, however, with the passage of time the law, jurisprudence and practice will motivate perfection in said institution.


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Amparo Directo número 22/2013, Ponente Ministro José Ramón Cossío Díaz, resuelto por la Primera Sala de la SCJN, en la sesión correspondiente al día veintidós de octubre de dos mil catorce. Recuperado de:

Características de los derechos humanos, en Amnistía Internacional. Recuperado de:

Castellanos Madrazo, J.F., El ejercicio de ponderación entre los derechos fundamentales y las prerrogativas políticas en las sentencia de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, Recuperado de:

Comunicado: Bienestar, combate a la corrupción y justicia: #100DíasTransformandoMéxico con las y los mexicanos. Recuperado de:

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Fondevila, G., Mejía Vargas, A., Reforma procesal penal: sistema acusatorio y delincuencia organizada. Recuperado de:

Gaceta Parlamentaria número 5181-V, de fecha 18 de diciembre de 2018, Anexo V. Recuperado de: