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Enrique Séptimo Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Vol. 22 (2018), Reviews, pages 475-479
Submitted: Mar 18, 2019 Published: Mar 18, 2019
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In the words of Javier Ruipérez, his aforementioned work constitutes a monograph that aims to render a first and urgent homage to his Master and mentor, Pedro De Vega, a scholar of State Theory and Constitutional Law, who argued that through this one, the old ideas of "Democracy", "Freedom" and "Equality" can be made effective. The work follows an invitation that Víctor Alejandro Wong Meraz made to Ruipérez, to include a contribution to the collective work "The Problems of Constitutional Reform: Analysis of Reform Processes in America and Europe"; the contribution was ready and about to be sent to the publisher, when on the twenty-seventh day of April of the year two thousand and sixteen, the death of Dr. Pedro De Vega occurred, reason for which Alejandro Wong knew of the close academic and personal relationship that he united it with Javier Ruipérez, exhorted him that the contribution that was contemplated for the collective work was published in the manner of a just homage in an independent work, a proposal that was accepted.


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Article Details


JAVIER RUIPÉREZ, El Título X de la Constitución Española de 1978 a la luz de las funciones de la Reforma Constitucional (Un estudio de Teoría del Derecho Constitucional en cuanto que ciencia conceptual y ciencia práctica), VLEX, México, 2017