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Manuel Fondevilla Marón
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Vol. 22 (2018), Reviews, pages 471-474
Submitted: Mar 18, 2019 Published: Mar 18, 2019
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The Professors Lucio Pegoraro and Angelo Rinella are authors of a rich and abundant bibliography on Comparative Public Law (in Spain this denomination responds to what we know as Comparative Constitutional Law), quite well spread in Spain, but because "the Minerva owl raises the flight at dusk "(Hegel), only now begins to be assimilated by Spanish and Latin American scholars. Although the Spanish constitutionalists always showed interest in the comparison, even during the Franco regime (think, for example, of Pablo Lucas Verdú), the works of many of them presented gaps in terms of method: especially, as Pegoraro points out in several of his works , Manuel García Pelayo, whose Manual of Comparative Constitutional Law is an excellent work of Theory of the Constitution, which also brilliantly addresses the most important aspects of Constitutional Law of several States, but where it is not carried out, in the proper sense of the term , a true comparison.


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Article Details


PEGORARO, L. y RINELLA, A. Derecho Constitucional Comparado, tomo II. Sistemas constitucionales. 2 volumenes, Astrea-Giappichelli, Buenos Aires. 2018.