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Víctor Alejandro Wong Meraz
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Christian Yair Aldrete Acuña
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales
Vol. 22 (2018), Doctrine, pages 418-446
Submitted: Mar 12, 2019 Published: Mar 12, 2019
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The goal of this document is to do a comparative study between Spain and Mexico in respect to the judicial-political institutions enjoyed be the representatives of society in its exercise of political power and in the strict sense of those constitutionally created for Parlementary power, which in essense are: inviobility, immunity and appraisal. Protective institutions born for the sake of the principle of the division of powers within a Democratic Constitutional State of Law. This study will search or elements that will add to, and justify, the discourse for the need to preserve these constitutional rights in the construction of this form of government, within which are established the elements of control of power such as the material content of the constitution; relevant topic in the discussion on the limits of political power in a representative government. This study will include a historical presentation of the birth of these legal institutions in England during the middle ages and the liberal constitutionalism of revolutionary France, and up to the current perception of Iberian and Mexican constitutionalism. Likewise, the forms of normative and practical conceptions of these institutions of state protection will be revised, and specifically the relapse in the application of parlamentary appraisal.


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