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Luis Rodríguez Ennes
Universidade de Vigo
Vol. 22 (2018), Doctrine, pages 320-328
Submitted: Mar 12, 2019 Published: Mar 12, 2019
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From the 18th century it is started to spread the opinion about the necessity to establish some favourable distance between the dead men and the alive ones, favouring the burials in places far from the populated areas. Also, at that time, a strong critical movement is provoked against the excessive urgency in the inhumations. It is not surprising, therefore, that a great discussion was generated regarding the signs of death before the burial was taken place. On the other hand, suicide is always considered as opposite to the catholic principles and, in consequence, the burial was denied in a sacred place. Feijoo was the person who anticipated in more than two centuries, to the in force Code of Canon Law of 1983, which eliminate the prohibition of funeral rites to those people who take one´s own life for considering as a “mentally-ill person” and, consequently, not guilty


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