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Ricardo Ron Latas
Professor of University at the University of A Coruña Substitute Magistrate in the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia
Fernando Lousada Arochena
Magistrate specialist of the social - Superior Court of Justice of Galicia. PhD in Law
Vol. 21 (2017), Doctrine, pages 300-313
Submitted: Jan 18, 2018 Accepted: Jan 18, 2018 Published: Jan 18, 2018
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The General Council of the Judiciary in Spain is being recognized in the art. 122 of the CE as the organ of government of the judiciary, and may be included in the tendency of the modern constitutionalism headed to enter an institutional guarantee of the judicial independence embodied in councils of Magistrates that, at the same time that they guarantee the judicial independence, they ensure the independence of the individual judges eliminating the management of the judicial statute of the hands of the Executive Power. In this work we develops, critical way, the configuration of the General Council of the Judiciary in the most relevant countries of our closest legal environment.


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