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Ernesto Vázquez-Rey Farto
PhD Candidate and researcher in the area of administrative Law University of A Coruña
Vol. 21 (2017), Case Law Commentaries, pages 392-397
Submitted: Jan 16, 2018 Accepted: Jan 16, 2018 Published: Jan 18, 2018
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This comment is about a judgment of the Supreme Court, issued on March 13, 2017, in which several petitions are analyzed on the Lei 52/2007, of December 26, by which rights are recognized and extended and establish measures in favor of who suffered persecution or violence during the civil war and the dictatorship, commonly called the Law of Historical Memory, based on the Organic Law 4/2001, of November 12, regulating the right of petition, trying to claim the application of the Law of Historical Memory as a positive right and not as a right to be granted in the Spanish State.


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