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Gábor Hamza
Pofessor. Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences "Eötvös Loránd" University of Budapest
Vol. 21 (2017), Doctrine, pages 162-177
Submitted: Jan 15, 2018 Accepted: Jan 15, 2018 Published: Jan 18, 2018
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The first part of the paper is dealing with the historical development of the codification of private law (both civil law and commercial law) in Hungary. The author points out the influence of Roman law and the German Pandectist legal science on the different drafts of the Hungarian civil code. The drafters of the Hungarian civil code took into account the French Civil Code, the Swiss Code of Obligations, the German Civil Code and the Swiss Civil Code. In the second part of the study the author describes the characteristic features of the first Hungarian Civil Code promulgated in 1959. Regarding the second Hungarian Civil Code adopted in 2013, the author emphasizes that the drafters succeeded in bringing it into compliance with the current trends of civil law related codification in the European Union (EU) in relation both to its structure and its basic concept (concept moniste).


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