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Lara M. Munín Sánchez
Vol. 20 (2016), Doctrine, pages 126-138
Submitted: Dec 5, 2016 Published: Mar 9, 2017
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Reconciling personal, family and professional life is one of the most important appearance to involve, among other objectives, the effective equality among men and women, namely, balanced share among both of them in family life and in the labour market, by restructuring and reorganization the systems, labour, educational and social resources in order to introduce equal opportunities in employment, change traditional stereotypes and roles, and needs attention and care for dependants. One of the ways to achieve it - apart others - will be the reduction of the working time, so that you can shorten the time spent on the provision of services, although it involves a correlative wage’s reduction. The question is how in the suppose that there are discrepancies with the employer and, above all, the differences between working time and shift work, if this is the implemented way of work at company; and this article tries to respond to this issue.


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