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Luis Fernando De Castro Mejuto
Vol. 20 (2016), Doctrine, pages 98-116
Submitted: Dec 5, 2016 Published: Mar 9, 2017
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The disease has three ways to set up an occupational disease: the specific occupational disease, working disease and aggravation of pre-existing disease. This article focuses on the first of these routes, so that it's offering an overview of the institution and, in particular, consider the problems that arise in order to date of its causal event, the liability of the insurance company and the definition of the own risk, offering solution to each one of them without ignoring the importance that has consolidated jurisprudence that has been dictating on occupational diseases. All of this with the existing extension of their coverage by the Mutual Cooperating of the Social Security and, above all, under the framework that is projected by Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, October 30th, which approves the revised text of the General Social Security Act, and specific Royal Decree 1299/2006, November 10th, which approves the picture of occupational diseases in the Social Security system and establishes criteria for the notification and registration; these Royal Decree has recently added the larynx cancer as a sub-agent that can be caused by inhalation of asbestos through Royal Decree 1150/2015, December 18th.


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