Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by any other journal (unless an explanation for this situations has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses or the DOI should be provided for references, with an indication of the date of last access.
  • The contribution has been written using the template provided. The template is available using the following link: https://revistas.udc.es/index.php/afd/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/44
  • In the case of submitting the text to the peer review section, follow the instructions included in Asegurar una evaluación anónima.
  • The text complies with the editorial and bibliographic standards included in Pautas para el autor/a, en Acerca de la revista.
  • The file to send is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

Editing rules

a) The submission must not have been previously published, nor must it be under consideration by any other journal (otherwise an explanation must been provided to the Editor in the "Comments" section). When the work is not unpublished, this circumstance must be indicated in the first footnote, indicating the place where it was published (title of the collection or work, ISBN or ISSN, year, number and pages).

b) Original submissions must be single-spaced, in Times New Roman font (size 12 for text and 10 for footnotes), with a indentation of 0.5 on the first line. The margins will be 2.5 cm. The title of the work will be written at the beginning of the text, both in the language of the contribution and in English, in round and bold type. Under the title, aligned to the right, the author's name and surname will appear in capital letters, and then, in italics, his academic position, his affiliation and his ORCID identifier. The authors must submit their contribution in the template provided here.

c) The submission must include an abstract (ten lines maximum) and a list of keywords (between three and five) indicative of the content of the work, in the language used in the paper and in English. Below, there will be a "summary" that will show up the text's headings, up to a maximum of three levels per heading presented in accordance with the instructions indicated in letter d). At the end of the work, a bibliography section will be included, which will bear the same title, in capital letters and bold.

d) When the work is divided into different headings, the first ones will be presented in capital letters, with Roman numers and in bold, indicating after a period the title in capital letters, round and bold (I. LOREM IPSUM). The divisions of the epigraphs will be indicated with Arabic numerals, also in bold, followed by a period (1. Lorem ipsum). Within these, the new divisions will be made, successively and without bold, with capital letters followed by a period (A. Lorem ipsum), lowercase letters followed by parentheses [a) Lorem ipsum] and lowercase letters followed by a period and Arabic number followed by parentheses [a.1) Lorem ipsum]. No period will be used at the end of the epigraphs.

e) Reference citations will be made according to the following criteria:

  • 1. When a monograph is referenced, the last name (in capital letters) and the name (in lower case) of the author must appear first. Next, the title of the work (in italics) will be stated, separated with commas; the place of publication, the date of publication and, where appropriate, the edition number; and the page (with the indication «p.», to be followed by the corresponding number) or pages (with the indication «p.» and the initial number, pointing to the following and ss.).
    • Ej. HOMER, Sidney; SYLLA, Richard Eugene, A history of interest rates. Rutgers University Press, 1996, págs. 55 y ss. 
  • 2. In the case of a journal article, the author will appear first, with the indications indicated in the previous section. Then, separated by commas, the title of the article will be stated, in quotation marks («») and in round letters; the magazine (or acronyms commonly used to refer to it) in italics; the indication of the number of the journal, the year of publication and, where appropriate, the page or pages cited in accordance with the provisions for books.

    • Ej. JORDANO FRAGA, Francisco, «Obligaciones de medios y de resultado (A propósito de alguna jurisprudencia reciente)», Anuario de Derecho Civil, 1991, págs 5-97.
  • 3. In the case of a book chapter in a collective work, the author will be indicated first, with the indications indicated in section 1. Then, separated by commas, the title of the cited chapter will be stated (in quotation marks [«»] and in round type); the title of the book (in italics); the directors/coordinators of the collective work (following the indications indicated for the authors) and the rest of the information established for the monographs.

    • Ej. TUSHNET, Rebecca, «Intellectual property as public interest mechanism», The Oxford Handbook in Intellectual Property Law (DREYFUSS, R. C.; PILA, J. Eds.), Oxford, 2018, págs. 95-97.
  • 4. When a work or article is cited successively, the author's last name and the initial of his name (in round and capital letters), the title up to the first noun (in round and italics in the case of a book; quotation marks [«»] in round if it is an article collected in a collective work or magazine), the abbreviation «cit.», and the corresponding page or pages, all separated with commas. 
    • Ej. HOMER, Sidney; SYLLA, Richard Eugene, A history..., cit., págs. 55 y ss.
  • 5. In the case of citations of publications or articles collected in electronic support, the same criteria established for those published on paper will be followed, also stating the corresponding web page or URL or the DOI in which they are contained, indicating the the date it was consulted.
    • Ej. CUENA CASAS, Matilde, «Evaluación de la solvencia y crédito hipotecario», Notario del Siglo XXI, núm. 56, julio-agosto, Colegio Notarial de Madrid, Madrid, 2014, http://www.elnotario.es/index.php/hemeroteca/revista-56/3813-evaluacionde-la-solvencia-y-creditos-hipotecarios (último acceso 12/10/21).

f) Reference citations and notes will always be made at the foot of the page and numbered continuously.

g) Words, expressions and quotes that appear in a language different from the language used in the article must be written in italics.

h) Regarding the use of quotation marks, it is recommended to first use the Latin and Spanish quotation marks («»), reserving the English quotation marks ("") and the single quotation marks ('') when quoting a part of a text already quoted. 

Submission of papers

The works will be sent by their authors through the website, accessible by login with their username and password after registration.

As a general rule, work must be submitted before June 30 to be included in the current year volume, unless for justified reasons it is decided to advance or delay the date of receipt of originals. This circumstance will be published in advance on the website of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coruña (https://www.udc.es/dereito/).

Exposición y análisis de sentencias dictadas por órganos jurisdiccionales españoles e internacionales, a cargo de expertos y profesionales de las distintas ramas del Derecho

Aportaciones inéditas sobre una temática común previamente acordada por el Consejo de redacción y que podrá ser diferente en cada volumen, por ejemplo: Derecho y crisis económica (2012). La página web de la Facultad de Derecho informará del tema que ocupará esta sección en cada número. La publicación de los trabajos enviados para dicha sección tendrá carácter preferente sobre los demás.

El Anuario publica trabajos científicos de investigadores de cualquier centro de investigación nacional o extranjero y de profesionales de reconocido prestigio, siempre que sean aportaciones inéditas relativas a las distintas ramas del Derecho: Administrativo, Civil, Constitucional, Laboral, Mercantil, Penal, Romano e Historia del Derecho. Excepcionalmente, podrán ser admitidos trabajos ya publicados en otras sedes científicas en atención a la calidad o el interés de las aportaciones, al prestigio de sus autores o a la importancia de la sede en que fueron anteriormente publicados. En ningún caso el número de aportaciones no originales superará el 20% del número total de trabajos seleccionados.

Noticias sobre monografías jurídicas, congresos, seminarios, jornadas, reuniones o conferencias impartidas, siempre que cuenten con interés científico y se inscriban en los periodos de publicación de cada uno de los números de la revista.

Resumen de las tesis doctorales defendidas en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidade da Coruña.

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.