The Power of Hope

Evangelisation in Southern Hungary


  • Vilmos Katona Budapest University of Technology and Economics



contemporary sacred architecture, evangelisation, revitalisation, Hungary, Drávapiski


An interdisciplinary scientific committee was formed to set the cornerstones of a new living community in Drávapiski, Hungarian popular daily newspaper Magyar Nemzet (May 6, 2013, 4) reports. According to long term plans, a new place for Christian worship along with a monastic settlement will help local people open a new chapter of both religious life and agriculture. Members of the committee believe that this kind of complex evangelisation is the only and last chance of this region to regenerate. The design process has started, and is ready to yet invite any participants to contribute to the mission.


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Author Biography

Vilmos Katona, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Vilmos Katona is an architect, and architectural theorist. He graduated in 2008 at the Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Department of Public Building Design, and received his PhD absolutory in 2011. His research at BME Department of History of Architecture and Monuments concerns contemporary church architecture in the light of Pope Benedict XVI’s liturgical reform. In 2008, he joined Zorán Vukoszávlyev’s Sacral Architecture Studio at BME, but also works as an independent architectural publicist. Since 2011, he is a lecturer of contemporary architecture and architectural theory at the University of West Hungary (NYME), Institute of Applied Arts. He was invited to share an interdisciplinary research program of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Design & Kunst in 2012. Most of his writings focus on the architecture of religious communities, community-based planning, and regionalism.


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How to Cite

Katona, V. (2013). The Power of Hope: Evangelisation in Southern Hungary. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 3, 56–63.