Can non typical traditional forms of sacral space serve as a guide in the development of new forms of religious architecture in Serbian Orthodox Church?


  • Božidar Manić Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia
  • Igor Marić Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia
  • Ana Niković Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia



Architecture, Tradition, Contemporary, Serbian Orthodox Church, Zapis (inscription)


This paper presents the possibilities of the development of new forms of religious architecture in Serbian Orthodox Church, on the basis of certain traditions. Current situation in this field is analyzed with special emphasis on non-typical religious buildings and spaces. The authors show that the domination of traditionalism in architectural expression is not based on the canonical restrictions, but rather the result of striving to establish the interrupted continuity by replicating forms from previous époques. Freedom of architectural creation in this field is strongly supported with the variety of forms existing through history of which zapis is particularly interesting.


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Author Biographies

Božidar Manić, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia

Božidar Manic graduated from Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, where he also finished his postgraduate studies in Architectural and Urban Design. He is a licensed architect and licensed urban planner in Serbia. He currently works at the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial planning of Serbia (IAUS), as a research associate. He is active as an architect and urban planner, with several architectural realizations (including a cemetery with a chapel) and approved urban plans. He is also involved in scientific research, participating in the scientific projects which are realized in IAUS, and has published more than twenty scientific papers in national and international journals, monographs and conferences. His main fields of interest are both scientific and design research in the field of sacral architecture (namely Serbian Orthodox church architecture). His main engagement in this field is exploring the possibilities for developing the new architectural models of Christian Orthodox temple.

Igor Marić, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia

Igor Maric, Ph.D., is an architect engaged in scientific work, planning, design, education, publicizing. He was born in Belgrade in 1950 where he has graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at which he has also completed doctoral program and defended his doctoral thesis. Besides his professional activities, he has also been actively involved in professional associations of architects, town planners and engineers, he has written for professional magazines and daily newspapers. Igor Maric is Director of Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, President of the Association of Architects of Serbia, Vice President of the Union of Engineers of Serbia and an associate member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia. Besides diverse interests in the fields he deals with, he has dedicated a special attention to research work in bioclimatic architecture and relationship between vernacular and contemporary architecture of Serbia.

Ana Niković, Institute of architecture and urban&spatial planning of Serbia

Ana Nikovic is a research associate and a licensed architect at the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial planning of Serbia (IAUS). She graduated from Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia and finished postgraduate studies in Architectural and Urban Design. She is author and co-author of a significant number of scientific papers and participant in several national projects supported by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia. As a architectural team member in IAUS, she took part in developing architectural and urban design plans, with several architectural realizations. Her main fields of interest are both scientific and design research in the field of architecture and urbanism, with special emphasize to morphological issues concerning architectural and urban form. Her main engagement in this field is exploring the possibilities for making dialogue between theoretical researches and urban and architectural practice in designing and planning.


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How to Cite

Manić, B., Marić, I., & Niković, A. (2013). Can non typical traditional forms of sacral space serve as a guide in the development of new forms of religious architecture in Serbian Orthodox Church?. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 3, 44–51.