The Building of the Christian Community, the Word of God for the Neighbourhood and the City

A Proposal of Evangelisation for Architecture and City Planning


  • Michael John Zielinski Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments · Office IV: Art and Music for the Liturgy



sacred architecture, christian architecture, city planning, evangelisation, the word of god


The liturgical space cannot avoid testifying to the miracle of a Presence, and can only do so by its own means: through the evidence of structural masses, the combination of materials, textures, colours; the harmonious shape of forms; the fluid movement of light that covers it and, at the same time, is dominated by it. This activates a silent communication that stirs the soul through the senses, and that, by touching our spirit, helps us to live the experience of God, thereby making us like all those who, in all ages and places, have turned their eyes to heaven, have elevated prayers and built temples. I firmly believe that this natural vocation of liturgical architecture preserves its value intact even in the altered setting of the contemporary city, and that the church space should still strive to answer that need of the sacred that dwells in each of us. This does not mean shaping more or less bold prospects, intended to suggest a vague mysticism or induce an indefinite emotional suggestion, but it implies a conscious and deliberate inquiry into those architectural themes that for centuries have been able to give the place of worship traits clearly referable to the Person of Christ, to the theology of revelation, to the history of salvation.


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Author Biography

Michael John Zielinski, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments · Office IV: Art and Music for the Liturgy

Michael John Zielinski O.S.B. Oliv. was born in Lakewood, Ohio, in April 1953. He joined the Benedictine monastic Congregation of Saint Mary of Monte Oliveto after his novitiate at the abbey of San Miniato al Monte in Florence and made the perpetual monastic profession on 8 December 1975 in the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore (Siena). He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical University of St. Anselmo in Rome and was ordained priest in 1977.
He studied monastic spirituality, Gregorian polyphonic and modern music, medieval and renaissance history and history of art. In 1991 he graduated from the University of Florence with a thesis on social psychology. He spent a number of years in the abbey of San Miniato al Monte in Florence where he was elected Prior and was also given the task of teaching novices. He was also an associate professor at the University of Siena. In 1999 he joined the monastic community of the Abbey of Santa Maria Pilastrello in Lendinara, in the diocese of Rovigo, northern Italy and in 2003 he was nominated secretary of the Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation, Fr. Notker Wolf.
In December 2003 he was elected Abbot of the Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Pecos (United States). In 2007, Benedict XVI appointed him Vice President of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church and Vice President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Architecture.
In November 2012 he was chosen to lead the new office of the Congregation for Divine Worship called and give out guidelines for liturgical music and architecture, according to the conciliar Constitution «Sacrosanctum Concilium».


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How to Cite

Zielinski, M. J. (2013). The Building of the Christian Community, the Word of God for the Neighbourhood and the City: A Proposal of Evangelisation for Architecture and City Planning. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 3, 268–277.