About the Journal


Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea is an international electronic research journal linked to the Observatorio de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea (OARC). It is published annually by the University of A Coruña.

It is aimed at all researchers who study contemporary religious architecture from its theoretical, historical, technical, graphic or teaching perspectives. The selection of articles is carried out through the usual refereeing system in serial scientific publications.

ISSN 2659-8671 (vol. 6-ss) | 2340-5503 (vols. 1-5)

Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea publishes contributions related to the following fields of research, according to its UNESCO nomenclature:

6201 Architecture
6201.01 Architectural Design
6203 Theory, Analysis and Criticism of the Fine Arts
5504.02 Contemporary History
5506.01 History of Architecture
5506.21 History of Religions
5506.90 History of the Church

If you have doubts about Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, please write directly to the editor.


Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (Columbia University, USA)
Biblioteca COAM (Madrid, Spain)

Dialnet (Universidad de la Rioja, Spain)
DOAJ (Infrastructure Services for Open Access, UK)

Dulcinea/Sherpa Romeo (Universitat de Barcelona/CSIC, Spain)
Google Académico (Google, USA)

IDR-Indice Dialnet de Revistas (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain)
MIAR (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
REDIB (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain)

Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest, EEUU)
Latindex (México)


Articles will be assessed using a single-blind peer review process. The manuscript review process takes approximately six months, depending on the availability of the external evaluators, the number of revisions required and the editorial calendar.

The delivery process includes the following phases:

  • Once verified that the article complies with the rules regarding style and content indicated in the Rules for authors, the editor will send the article to one anonymous reviewer selected by him, who will have an academic profile and active in the field of research and will come from an institution different from the author.
  • The review report of the reviewer will influence the interest of the article, its contribution to the knowledge of the subject, the new features, the correct relations established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographic references handled, their correct structure and writing, etc., indicating recommendations, if any, for possible improvement. The time for preparing a review report is approximately one month.
  • Based on the recommendations of the reviewer, the motivated result of the evaluation will be communicated to the authors, who will attend to four options: publication without changes, publication with minor corrections, publication with important corrections, and not advisable for publication. Comments and comments from reviewer will also be provided. The editor will be responsible for determining if a revised manuscript meets the established parameters.
  • If the writing is accepted with modifications, the authors must forward a new version of the article, responding to the requirements and suggestions of the reviewer within the established deadlines. If the author is reluctant or unable to review the manuscript, it will not be published and the author will have to withdraw from the publication.
  • Depending on the degree of compliance with the changes required by the reviewer, the Editorial Committee will decide whether the article is published or not. Once this decision is made, the author will receive the news.
  • In the case of acceptance of the article for publication, the manuscript will be scheduled for publication in a future issue.


Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea guarantees open access to all published content, with the aim of promoting a free and accessible research to the whole world, thus supporting a global knowledge exchange. The journal is only published online, being necessary to cite this source in total or partial reproductions. The publication of articles is completely free for authors.

All contents will be distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International license and distribution (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea allows authors to disseminate electronically the published version of their works. This favors its circulation and dissemination, and therefore increases its citation and its reach in the academic community.


Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea is an annual journal.
The journal collects articles based on the papers presented at the International Congresses on Contemporary Religious Architecture (CIARC), which are held every two years.
After the congress, authors have a period of three to six weeks to revise their paper and submit the final text for peer review, which takes approximately one month.
Each congress generates two issues of the journal; the first is published during the year of the event, and the second during the following year.


The journal will not have correctors of style. The original ones that do not fulfill the following guidelines will be returned directly to his authors.

1. Presentation of the text

  • Articles can be submitted in Spanish or English. Every work will be published in the original language
  • The text must appear in format DOC (Microsoft Word) or RTF.
  • Typography: Courier New, body 10 for title and text, and 8 for the notes.
  • Text to space and a half for an single face and DlN-A4 paper size.
  • The body of the text will appear with a bleeding of 0,5 points in the first line of the paragraphs, included the notes. This bleeding will be realized only by the specific option of the menu, never by space-bar or key of tabulation.
  • Extension of the text: 4000-5000 words and 15-20 images.

2. It will have to be included before the text:

  • Title of the article in English and Spanish.
  • Name of the author or authors.
  • University or center of work.
  • Author's ORCID
  • Keywords in Spanish and English: 5.
  • Abstract in Spanish and English: 100 words each one.

3. It will have to be included after the text of the work:

  • Adress of the author, e-mail, telephone of contact and a brief curriculum of 150 words that includes, in any case, the center of work to which the author belongs, cargo, principal publications and line of investigation.
  • In the case of multiple authors, include a brief resume of 150 words for each of the authors.

4. Notes

  • The notes will appear at the end of text numbered correlativly.
  • The calls to notes in the text will be realized in superindex, with the specific option of the program Microsoft Word.

5. Bibliographical references

  • References will not be accepted that are not contained in the text.
  • They will be included in the notes following the criteriaset by The Chicago Manual of Style 16 (Author-Date Style).
  • This manual is available online at this web page: https://bit.ly/40lAKKo

6. Figures

  • They will have to be indexed inside the text of the following form: (Fig. 01).
  • The files will have to go numbered of the following form: Fig. 01.
  • It will have to appear in JPG format, with a minimal size of 10x15 and 300 ppp and to have good contrast.
  • At the end of the text a relation of the figures will be inserted with the corresponding feet of photo.
  • The feet of photo will contain the following information: author, work, location, chronology and details.
  • Is a responsibility of the author to assure the permission of reproduction of the images or to mention the source.



Authors who publish in Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea accept the following conditions:

  • The journal retains all the patrimonial rights (copyright) of the published works and encourages and allows their reuse under a license of Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0), which allows third parties to use what has been published provided that they properly acknowledge authorship of the work, indicate whether changes have been made, the material is not used for commercial purposes.
  • Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) provided they clearly indicate that the work was published for the first time in this journal and they adhere to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.



Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea exposes the guidelines on good practices in scientific publication, as a framework for the development and implementation of its own policies and ethics system in the publication.

  • Editors select the reviewers under guidelines of impartiality and professionalism, in order to ensure fair evaluations. Publishers assure authors that the appropriate reviewers are selected for reviews of their work, and readers can trust the peer review process.
  • Editors are aware of the work needed to make firm decisions and the creation of solid editorial processes, designed to manage their interests and promote an efficient and sustainable publication system, which will benefit academic institutions, journal editors, the authors, who finance the research and the readers. Good practices in scientific publication do not develop spontaneously, but are consciously established and actively promoted.
  • Authors of Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea have the right to protect and preserve intellectual property over their works, and this is recognized by the editors. The magazine distributes the contents through a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) which expresses the use that can be made of the published contents.
  • Editors protect and put in place the necessary measures so that each one’s work can be developed with the utmost confidentiality and not in contact, in any case until the work has been published.
  • Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea editors and readers have the right to expect that the submitted work is original to the author and respects intellectual property, has not been plagiarized, and does not infringe copyright, both in images and text.
  • Authors are asked to declare that the submitted work is the original and that they own the moral rights to it. To support the reviewers' review of possible plagiarism, the Similarity Check platform will be used and all submitted papers will be checked by assessing the report obtained through it.
  • If the editors of the journal have firm evidence of plagiarism, they will contact the authors of the paper to clarify the circumstances.
  • If the authors have any doubts about the originality of the published work, they can help to clarify the situation by sending an e-mail to aarc.revista@udc.es.
  • Publication of the same research in the same language in another journal is prohibited.



Actas de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea was created as an independent electronic publication in 2007, under the title Actas del Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea. With this denomination five numbers were published, one of them double.

In December 2018 OARC-Observatorio de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea was created, in order to provide it with an institutional support.

Since May 2019 it has been integrated into the Publications Service of the University of A Coruña, already with its new name.

Between issues 1 (2007) and 5 (2017), AARC did not have any specific license. With the incorporation of the journal into the UDC from issue 6 (2019), AARC articles were licensed under a CC-BY-NC license, which was maintained until issue 10 (2023). From issue 11 (2024) onwards, they are under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.

Starting with issue 11 (2024), AARC appears under the 'continuous publication' modality.



Observatorio de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea (OARC) and Publications Service of the University of Coruña