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Maria do Nascimento Esteves Mateus
Escola Superior de Educação – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)
V. 4 N. 1 (2014), Artículos, Pagine 61-72
Ricevuto: lug 20, 2015 Pubblicato: dic 20, 2014
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The approach to the subject, The look on the elderly themselves and the social imaginary, aims to analyze the perception of the elderly on their aging, through his eyes and the social imaginary. If the physiological functions can be retained or improved with age and with appropriate exercise, signs of aging are perceived differently by individuals , in varying combinations and different ages , giving the aging individual brand . There are several social constructions of old age that , in most cases , based on how the social imaginary of each building that vision and that , not being neutral , evaluates and assigns true or false value judgments . Every society creates an image that is consistent with their values, regardless of age, gender, marital status, the moment an individual is considered old and he feels when it is looked at as an elder. Opinions are built using technologies / social pedagogies that go from formal to informal education because , nowadays, are open numerous possibilities for production and dissemination , in so far as they create structures , institutions , norms, standards, behaviors and values disclosed in terms of truth , tradition , evidence of new paradigms of social relations . A convenience sample and the use of a qualitative methodology and content analysis performed with the data collected through semi-structured interviews will allow us an analysis and critical thinking essential to the construction of some final thoughts on the problem stated


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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