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Rafael Rey Fau
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Marcelo Raúl Boado Martínez
Universidad de la República
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019), Articles, pages 15-30
Submitted: Mar 28, 2019 Accepted: Mar 24, 2020 Published: Feb 12, 2021
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This article presents the results of a survey on occupational prestige carried out within the framework of the Survey on Social Mobility and Educational Trajectories (EMOTE 2010-2012). The questionnaire was applied to a representative sub-sample of the total survey population, comprising 427 respondents of both sexes, aged 18 years and over, from the cities of Montevideo, Maldonado and Salto (Uruguay). The main aim of the study was to identify patterns of opinion among the survey subjects with regard to occupational prestige and social inequality. The sample was asked to evaluate a set of 90 occupations that represented the majority of the occupations featured in the 2006 Extended National Household Survey (ENAH). Respondents were required to assess the prestige of each occupation with a score between 1 and 9, where 1 corresponded to the lowest level of prestige and 9 to the highest. The study also includes a validation of the survey instrument and an application.


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