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Francisco Eduardo Haz Gomez
Universidad de A Coruña
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2018), Articles, pages 40-58
Submitted: Nov 6, 2017 Accepted: Jan 21, 2018 Published: Oct 23, 2018
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Young people are a group that is subject to different social and psychological factors that set them in situations of vulnerability. This circumstance affects the perception that this group has about their own well-being. Within this age group, the university students are who experience higher levels of stress which are liked to factors such as: exam periods, moving away from their homes or job instability. In this sense, different researches have shown that there are significant relationships between social, economic or psychological factors, and the unequal distribution of well-being. This inquiry is based on the hypothesis that, regardless of the territorial context (different countries), welfare is determined by socioeconomic and psychosocial variables. At the same time, between welfare and these variables, a significant and positive correlation is established that explains their trends of distribution. To validate this argument, a statistical analysis of the data provided by a survey among university students from Spain and the Republic of Belarus has been carried out (between 18 and 30 years of age). The outcomes of the research show the welfare behaves differently in both countries. But there is also evidence of common relationships regarding some variables towards welfare, (such as health and income). Those relationships have a key impact on the perception of the well-being of youth.


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