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Cirstina Morales Saro
Universidad de las Artes
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017), Articles, pages 77-90
Submitted: Sep 19, 2017 Accepted: Dec 20, 2017 Published: Dec 20, 2017
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In the last decades, critical thinking has undergone two turns or displacements that are fundamental in the work of mapping (or inventing) silenced (or unpublished) possibilities of world and community. The first is due to the epistemologies of the South (Boaventura do Santos), born within the decolonial theory; the second comes from the feminist thought and is presently its vanguard: transfeminism. Here we want to develop a dialogue or hybridization between the two turns, trying to develop the following hypotheses, first: that the epistemologies of the South, as well as the "feminism of women" find a critical limit, a double bind according to which they can not abandon the logic of discourse that they fight and re-insert itselves (albeit problematically) in the molar affairs of identity, universality, etc.; second, that the “trans” of transfeminism presupposes an ontological conception that is profoundly decolonial but above all anti-metaphysical, which is invaluable for the articulation of a radical critique of current logics of global governance; third: that the first displacement (from north to south) allows us and almost obliges us to give way to the second (south to trans). The conclusions of our essay point to the mapping of the “trans” as a space from which to articulate effective resistances given the current conditions of thought. This affects the possible forms of science and social and human research, but the most serious consequences are certainly existential and political and must be applied to the everyday construction of the world through the relational ecological bodies in which we consist.


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