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Javier Gómez Sánchez
Universidad César Vallejo
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017), Articles, pages 17-30
Submitted: Sep 17, 2017 Accepted: Dec 18, 2017 Published: Jan 14, 2018
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From the first half of the s. XX, the American continent has witnessed the advance of indigenism. Through its cultural and anthropological aspect, indigenism has presented itself as an increasingly consolidated and better able stream to supplant in Peru the old symbols of nationalism. At the same time, given the symbolic force projected by the Inca civilization, due to its military power and its vast territorial extension, its memory has inexorably been imposed to support the myth that legitimizes the link between the Peruvian state and the identity sentiments of its nations. To observe thus an instrumentation more and more frequent of the Incas as myth of the origin of the Peruvian high culture, as much in elementary education, as in the commercialization, in the art or in the industry of the tourism. 18 Cultura moche como base de la identidad de un nacionalismo peruano.
In the present article we will analyze how, although the impersonation of the results of the brands proved to be very effective, the result of this process is discussed by other identity constructions through myths promoted by the discovery and exploitation of regional examples of high culture that can be traced back to Tahuantinsuyo. This is the case of the departments of La Libertad and Lambayeque, where archaeological projects around the moche and chimeneas cultures are building a model of identity support that in different scenarios is confronted with the centralist idea of elevating pre-Hispanic Cusco institutions as the Peruvian paradigm of its origin.


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