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Eduardo Restrepo
Universidad Javeriana
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2016), Articles, pages 60-71
Submitted: Jan 22, 2017 Accepted: Feb 9, 2017 Published: Jun 30, 2016
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In contrast to the conceptions of knowledge as universal and dazzled, this article makes a tour of different authors and theoretical positions that have argued the situationality of knowledge. One of the effects of assuming this situationality is explored in this article from the notion of provincializing Europe (suggested by Chakrabarty) as a displacement and epistemic and political decentering of hyperreal Europe. Since this displacement and disintegration does not signify an apology to relativism or a fetishization of a notion of otherness as exteriority or purity, in the final part of the article the notion of self-thought is discussed.


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Césaire, Aimé (2006). Discurso sobre el colonialismo, Madrid, Akal.

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de Sousa Santos, Boaventura (2009). Epistemología del sur. La reinvención del conocimiento y la emancipación social. Buenos Aires: Clacso-Siglo XXI.

Quijano, Anibal (2000) Colonialidad del poder, eurocentrismo y América Latina. En La Colonialidad del Saber: Eurocentrismo y Ciencias Sociales. Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, editado por Edgardo Lander, pp 201-245. Clacso, Buenos Aires.

Said, Edward ([1978] 2004). Orientalismo. Barcelona: Debolsillo.

Said, Edward (1996) Representaciones del Intelectual. Barcelona: Paidós