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Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir
Universidad de Islandia
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2015), Articles, pages 45-57
Submitted: Apr 5, 2016 Accepted: Apr 5, 2016 Published: Dec 20, 2015
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I propose to reveal how the filmmakers portray their young female protagonists and answer how their calculated weighing of realistic possibilities, as represented in La Yuma (2009) and El Camino (2007) confirm on one hand the vulnerability of the female subjects and
simultaneously contradict the image of the helpless victim living at the mercy of others. I argue that growing up in all embracing insecurity and underdevelopment has promoted the protagonist‟s estranged image of a unified self and by altering and reclaiming the past they aspire to create a new sense of self. Their search for suitable social settings and patterns entail, as the Costa Rican/Russian director of El Camino, Ishitar Yasin, has emphasised, “perseverance, risk taking and wilfulness”. The films confirm predominant disorder of traditional social role models and showcase attempts; some failed other succeeded, to claim new places and changed positions.


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