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Ildefonso Marqués Perales
Universidad de Sevilla Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012), Monograph. Pierre Bourdieu, pages 42-55
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Nov 8, 2012
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During the last two decades, the sociological scene has witnessed a process that could be described as “analytical turn”. Some sociologists have felt a need of recovering the principals of classical methodological individualism. In spite of “the analytical turn” has provided a great deal of conceptual clarity, methodological precision and scientific rigor, they have also been criticized by conceding an excessive importance to the role playing the deliberation in the human behavior. In this paper, our first aim is show the paramount role played by the dispositions in the social action. We base on the seminal work of Edmund Husserl, Pierre Bourdieu y Antonio Damasio. These authors have analyzed the existence of durable and stable inclinations that make difficult the pure deliberative process. We discuss their contributions and outline a critic conclusion.


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