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Antonio Álvarez Benavides
Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologique (CADIS)
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012), Monograph. Pierre Bourdieu, pages 5-22
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Nov 10, 2012
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Bourdieu passed away ten years away. His last works were focused on the globalization and the extension of neoliberalism. Bourdieu, who had developed an enormous theory corpus, changed his academic interest to analyse how neoliberal economic reason was colonising all the fields of our lives. Transnational capitalism had positioned as the best and the only way to thinking the economic and the polity in a global world due to the power of its symbolic capital. Nevertheless, this false prophetic global system was hiding the workers’ exploitation, the flexibilization of the national economic systems, the reduction of the democratic national-states and the loss of socials rights. Nowadays, living the worst economic crisis since the Great Crease, it looks interesting and necessary revisiting Bourdieu’s approach to check the validity and the accurate of their analyses and predictions.


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