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Marcelo Boado Martínez
Universidad de la República. Uruguay
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016), Articles, pages 31-46
Submitted: Jan 31, 2017 Accepted: Mar 25, 2017 Published: Mar 25, 2017
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Studies of social mobility are among the most demanding, ambitious and controversial in sociology, because they generally attack very sensitive problems from a theoretical, methodological and public point of view. Mobility studies are studies of sociology, because they challenge the "quality" of society as a whole to generate opportunities or to establish inequalities for its members. The concepts of lineage and cleavage applied to the mobility studies allow to reflect the empirical results, but also the dominant theoretical sequences. This way of examining research on inheritance and social mobility leads to the analysis of the changes and conceptual inertia that have proliferated in this area, mainly in the North Atlantic countries. It is important how the analysis of social change itself generates its continuities and ruptures. Therefore the present will be a theoretical article, which reviews and reorders concepts, tasks and challenges for sociological research in social mobility. There is no doubt that there are other ways to do this, as shown by Erikson and Goldthorpe (1993), Ganzeboom and Treiman (1996), Hout and Di Prete (2004), and Breen and Luijkx (2004). But our preference for identifying continuity or abandonment, problems, ideas and methods, with notions of lineage and cleavage, allow us to equidistance, and the recovery of a certain dialogue, which is a sine qua non, to illustrate and convince


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