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Marta San-Antolín-Gil
Universidad Europea de Madrid
David Rodriguez-Sanz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
César Calvo-Lobo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019), Original Articles, pages 39-46
Submitted: Jul 28, 2019 Accepted: Sep 8, 2019 Published: Sep 8, 2019
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Objectives. The study purpose was to compare personality traits among athletes with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) and healthy athletes.
Material and methods. A case-control study was carried out in a private clinic. Athletes with moderate and high physical activity level were included according to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Twenty-two paired-matched athletes were divided in two groups, case group (n = 11, with MPS in the gastrocnemius muscles) and control group (n = 11, without MPS). Three personality traits (extraversion, psychoticism and neuroticism) and a sincerity scale were evaluated using the Eysenck Revised- Abbreviated Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-RA).
Result. Statistically significant differences (p < .05) for extraversion and neuroticism scores were found in athletes with MPS in the gastrocnemios muscles compared to the healthy control group.
Conclusion. Athletes with MPS in the gastrocnemius muscles showed higher scores in extraversion and neuroticism than healthy athletes. Despite being a pilot study and requiring studies with a larger sample size, these findings may suggest that both physical and psychology therapies could be main treatments to improve athletes' activities, prevent injures and optimize the rehabilitation in athletes with MPS in the gastrocnemius.


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