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  • Olga Santos
  • Susana Reis
  • Catarina Mangas
  • Pedro Ferreira
Olga Santos
Susana Reis
Catarina Mangas
Pedro Ferreira
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019), Articles, pages 109-132
Submitted: Jul 13, 2020 Accepted: Jul 13, 2020 Published: Jul 13, 2020
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The main aim of the ProLearn4ALL project is to deliver pedagogical play resources to schools in the first cycle of basic education in order to stimulate the socio-educational inclusion of children with disabilities or some kind of limitation. ProLearn4ALL is, moreover, a project designed and created with and for ALL. In keeping with this priority, the research team comprised teachers, trainers, researchers, higher education students, technicians and young adults with intellectual disabilities engaged in vocational training programmes. To obtain a better understanding of the participation of these young people, a qualitative case study was carried out at the Centre for Education and Socio-professional Training run by the Cooperative for the Education and Rehabilitation of Children with Learning Difficulties. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with board members and trainers from the centre, and a content analysis was carried out on the data collected. The study concluded that the participation of young people with disabilities in research projects of this type is an added value, owing to the sense of achievement they gain from collaborating to build useful, practical resources and developing skills that make them more professionally aware and employable and thus contribute to their professional inclusion in society.


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