Focus and Scope

EJOP is the first journal in the Health area published by University of A Coruña , in Spain. This journal will have a bi-yearly periodicity publication, since 2015, and will accept original articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English that address investigative, innovative and developmental results transference and follow the requisites used in the Biomedical and Health journals published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) with special emphasis on:

  1. Original articles: including non-published studies with interesse for this jornal readers. Instructions for the submission of such works are the same reported by the ICMJE with a maximum length of 4000 words including a maximum of 3 figures, 3 tables and 25 references.
  2. Clinical cases: description of an exceptional, rare and/or infrequent case that should include a revision of the state of the art and a limit of 1500 words, 4 figures and 10 references.
  3. Special issues: manuscripts with free format (consensus documents, continuing medical education, technical information or in depth revision of a determined theme) that will be usually published through invitation and should have a maximum length of 3000 words, 3 figures, 3 tables and 20 references.

Peer Review Process

This journal will have an electronic publication management system known as Open Journal System (OJS). Articles will be submitted by the authors, online, and will receive an identification number. Editors will assess the manuscript contribution for the progression of the scientific knowledge in the Podiatric field. Manuscripts will be sent for peer-reviewed, as required by the ICMJE. Comments made by the reviewers will be carefully analysed by the editors regarding the content and decision of publication: major revision (significate changes are necessary), minor revisions (small changes are required) or rejection.

After approval for publication by the editor-in-chief, that have full authority to decide the article pertinence and assess the requested revisions. The final result will be reported to the authors.

Open Access Policy

The journal will provide free and immediate access to its content having by principle that the free access to the investigation results to the public promotes global knowledge.