HÄMMERLY, Rosana del Carmen; PARÍS, Marta del Carmen; PAZ GONZÁLEZ, Antonio. Assessment of domain areas for precipitation and evapotranspiration on the left bank of the Paraná watershed at Argentine territory. I: Thiessen polygons and kriging. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. Revista de Xeoloxía Galega e do Hercínico Peninsular, [S. l.], v. 41, p. 75–97, 2019. DOI: 10.17979/cadlaxe.2019.41.1.5818. Disponível em: https://revistas.udc.es/index.php/CADLAXE/article/view/cadlaxe.2019.41.1.5818. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.