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Alfredo Campos
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Jessica Díaz
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018), Articles, pages 51-58
Submitted: Apr 18, 2018 Accepted: Jun 15, 2018 Published: Jul 1, 2018
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Keyword mnemonics is a mnemonic rule specially used during the learning process of a foreign language. In this study we assessed if the keyword mnemonics influenced the learning of the meaning of low frequency Galician words, and also if the participants' imaging ability influenced this learning process. We selected a group of 111 Compulsory Secondary Education students, who are asked to learn a list of 20 low frequency Galician words, using either the repetition or the keyword method. It was found that the keyword method was more effective than the repetition method in this learning. The participants with high vividness of image remembered a greater number of translations of the Galician words than those that showed low image vividness. New studies are required about keyword mnemonics applied to minority languages, such as Galician language.


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