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Ana Lucia Pereira
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo; Universidade Nove de Julho
Laurinda Ramalho de Almeida
Vol. Extr., núm. 06 (2015) - XIII CIG-PP, XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 6: FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES Y AGENTES EDUCATIVOS, pages 042-046
Submitted: Apr 23, 2015 Accepted: Aug 13, 2015 Published: Nov 10, 2015
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The present project of investigation aims to carry out a transcultural study involving teachers and students (brazilian and portuguese) who are experienced about distant learning (EaD). For that, it is guided by the following research question: Have distance learning higher education courses made it possible to build relationships that lead the students to significant learning and interfere in the students’ decision about keeping teaching method? Both countries rely on meaningful researches about the necessary technology to make distant learning work, while the discussions on affectivity in the relationships established in virtual learning environment are scarce.


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