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María Dorinda Mato
Rocío Chao
Miriam Carretero
Vol. Extr., núm. 06 (2015) - XIII CIG-PP, XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 6: FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES Y AGENTES EDUCATIVOS, pages 027-031
Submitted: Apr 8, 2015 Accepted: Aug 13, 2015 Published: Nov 10, 2015
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This paper aims to investigate the conceptions with which students start the of Degree in Early Childhood Education. To address this issue we applied a questionnaire with closed and open questions. The sample consists of 138 students of the subject “Mathematics Education”. The study results show that the generality of the students are women, aged between 19 and 21 years, that access the grade after having carried out the high school studies of Humanities and Social Sciences, they had negative memories of their previous teachers and they give certain importance to the present subject in the Degree.


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